Kogane, a hidden gem in a strip mall in Alhambra, is where two master chefs, Kwan and Fumio Azumi, create an extraordinary omakase experience. Their journey began during the pandemic while working together in a cold prep kitchen, slicing thousands of fish for grocery store sushi platters.
Kwan, from Jakarta, secured funding, while Azumi brought his Edomae-style expertise from LA's top sushi spots. In December 2021, Kogane opened with just seven bar seats and a fixed tasting menu featuring over 20 courses of impeccably prepared plates and nigiri sushi.
The dishes showcase a delicate balance of flavors and textures, highlighting the chefs' skill. From gently cooked abalone to dry-aged bluefin chutoro, every course is a work of art. The nigiri is thoughtfully paired with differently seasoned rice.
The intimate setting and the chefs' camaraderie create an unforgettable dining experience, making Kogane an exciting High-End Omakase in the San Fernando Valley in California.